Factoring numbers with square root terms

Quite often, when doing calculations on polyhedra, you will find yourself with complex equations like \(\frac{20+7\sqrt3}{1+2\sqrt3}\).

Is the top evenly divisible by the bottom? I certainly can’t tell just by looking at them.

There must be a method to factor the numerator.

Quite often, when doing calculations on polyhedra, you will find yourself with complex equations like $$\begin{equation}\tag{eq1}\label{eq1}\frac{20+7\sqrt3}{1+2\sqrt3}\end{equation}$$

Is the top evenly divisible by the bottom? I certainly can’t tell just by looking at them.

There must be a method to factor the numerator.

Let’s start with $$\color{blue}{(A+B\sqrt{R})}\color{lime}{(C+D\sqrt{R})}$$ multiplying the terms together gives $$\color{salmon}{AC+BRD+(BC+AD)\sqrt{R}}$$

So, $$\frac{\color{salmon}{AC+BRD+(BC+AD)\sqrt{R}}}{\color{blue}{A+B\sqrt{R}}} = \color{lime}{C+D\sqrt{R}}$$

Then we can substitute known values (A=1, B=2, R=3) into the formula. $$\frac{1C+2(3)D+(2C+1D)\sqrt{3}}{1+2\sqrt{3}} = C+D\sqrt{3}$$

Finding the answer is just a matter of finding C and D.

Consider that
$$\frac{\color{yellow}{C+6D} + \color{cyan}{(2C+D)}\sqrt3}{1+2\sqrt3} = \frac{\color{yellow}{20}+\color{cyan}{7}\sqrt3}{1+2\sqrt3}$$

We can break the equation into the colored sections to find $$\begin{align}\color{yellow}{C+6D} & \color{yellow}{=20} \\ C&=20-6D\tag{eq2}\label{eq2} \end{align}$$ and $$\color{cyan}{2C+D = 7}\tag{eq3}\label{eq3}$$

We now know C \eqref{eq2}, at least in terms of D, then substitute this into \eqref{eq3}.
$$\begin{align}2(20-6D)+D &= 7 \\ 40-12D+D &= 7 \\ -11D &= 7-40 = -33 \\D &= \frac{-33}{-11} \\ D&=3\end{align}$$

Returning to \eqref{eq2} and substituting D=3, we get \(C = 20-6\cdot 3 = 20-18 = 2\).

Then our answer should be \(2+3\sqrt{3}\), and it is, because \((1+2\sqrt3)(2+3\sqrt3) = 20+7\sqrt3\).

This method make it simple to divide out these complicated numbers, although, you might not get a simpler answer. For example, if we change \eqref{eq1} to \(\Large\frac{19+7\sqrt3}{1+2\sqrt3}\), we end up with answers C=23/11 and D=31/11, but it still works as \((1+2\sqrt3)(\frac{23}{11}+\frac{31\sqrt3}{11}) = 19+7\sqrt3\). Although, we could write our answer as \(\frac{1}{11}(23+31\sqrt3)\).

Another example:$$\frac{-3}{3+2\sqrt3}$$
We have values (A=3, B=2, R=3), giving $$3C + 2\cdot3D + (2C+3D)\sqrt3 = (3+2\sqrt3)(C+D\sqrt3)$$

Remember that \(-3\) is the same as \(-3+0\sqrt3\). So

Working out \eqref{e2} gives
$$\begin{align}3C+6D&=-3 \\ 6D&= -3-3C \\D&=\frac{3(-1-C)}{6} \\D&= \frac{-1-C}{2}\end{align}$$

Plugging into \eqref{e3}, gives
$$\begin{align}2C+3D&=0 \\ 2C+3\cdot(\frac{-1-C}{2})&=0 \\ \frac{4C}{2}+\frac{-3C-3}{2}&=0 \\ \frac{4C-3C-3}{2}&=0 \\ \frac{C-3}{2}&=0 \\ C-3&=0 \\C&=3\end{align}$$

With C=3, we can find D in \eqref{e2} $$\begin{align}3(3)+6D&=-3 \\ 9+6D&=-3 \\ 6D&=-3-9 \\ 6D&=-12 \\ D&=\frac{-12}{6} \\ D&=-2\end{align}$$

So the answer is \(3-2\sqrt3\), as \((3+2\sqrt3)(3-2\sqrt3)=-3\).

You might notice this is the same as the “Difference of 2 squares” (x-y)(x+y) = x²-xy+xy-y² = x²-y². The “xy” terms cancel each other out, leaving 0. (x-y) and (x+y) are conjugates of one another, so when you have a numerator with a zero times the square root (or in other words, the numerator is a whole number), you may wish to try the denominator’s conjugate first. It may not be the answer you seek, but it can help you sometimes.

If the denominator is a whole number (or rational), $$\frac{6+2\sqrt3}{-2}$$

then divide both parts of the numerator by the denominator,


So to find an answer to $$\notag\frac{X+Y\sqrt{R}}{A+B\sqrt{R}} = C+D\sqrt{R}$$

You will need to find the solutions to \(AC+BRD=X\) and \(BC+AD=Y\)

UPDATE: I have also realized that you can just multiply the top and bottom of the fraction by the denominator’s conjugate.

In the first equation:


In this method, the denominator is always a whole number (if both A&B are whole numbers).


Lately, I have been doing a lot of math involving square roots of numbers added to square roots, in the form of \(\sqrt{A+B\sqrt{C}}\), this is called a “nested radical.” Normally, you would not be able to simplify any further, unless there was a common factor of both that could be removed, or if both items had the same number under the radical (eg. \(\sqrt{4\sqrt7+12\sqrt7}=\sqrt{16\sqrt7}=4\sqrt[4]{7}\) ).

I can take a number like \((1+\sqrt5)^2\) and work out it is equal to \(6 + 2\sqrt5\). Unfortunately, it is very difficult to recognize that \(1+\sqrt5\) is the square root (or even a factor) of that. Even harder, trying to find an equation such as \(\sqrt{469+144\sqrt5}\).

Recently, I found a method of breaking down the equation into its square root equation.

With an equation in the form of \(\sqrt{A+B\sqrt{C}}\), where C contains no perfect square factors, taking the formula \(D^2 = A^2 – (B^2)*C\), if D is a rational number, you will be able to factor the equation, otherwise it is simplified as much as is possible.

Then you will be able to get the formula: \(\sqrt{A+B\sqrt{C}} = \pm \left(\sqrt{\frac{A-D}{2}} + sign(A*B)*\sqrt{\frac{A+D}{2}}\right)\), where sign(A*B) is the positive or negative value of A*B, it will always give you 0, +1, or -1.

So to find \(\sqrt{469+144\sqrt5}\), we find \(469^2 – 144^2 * 5 = 116281\). Since 116281 = 341*341, we can plug D=341 into the formula to get:

$$\begin{align} \sqrt{\frac{469-341}{2}} + 1*\sqrt{\frac{469+341}{2}}&=\sqrt{\frac{128}{2}} + \sqrt{\frac{810}{2}}\\
&=\sqrt{64} + \sqrt{405} \\
&= 8 + \sqrt{81*5} \\
&= 8+9\sqrt{5}\end{align}$$

So, \(\sqrt{469+144\sqrt5} = (8+9\sqrt{5}) \text{ and } (-8-9\sqrt{5})\).

To find \(\sqrt{53-12\sqrt{11}}\), we find \(53^2 – 12^2 * 11 = 1225\). Since 1225 = 35*35, we can plug D=35 into the formula to get:

$$\begin{align*} \sqrt{\frac{53-35}{2}} + -1*\sqrt{\frac{53+35}{2}} &=\sqrt{\frac{18}{2}} – \sqrt{\frac{88}{2}}\\
&=\sqrt{9} – \sqrt{44} \\
&= 3 – \sqrt{4*11} \\
&= 3-2\sqrt{11} \end{align*}$$

So, \(\sqrt{53-12\sqrt11} = (3-2\sqrt{11}) \text{ and } (-3+2\sqrt{11})\).

If A and B have the same sign, the answer will have both terms the same sign ({+,+} and {-,-} are equally valid). If A and B have different signs, the terms in the answer will have different signs ({+,-} and {-,+}). Often you will need to determine the complete answer that equates to positive, after all, it is hard to have a real object with a negative length.

An interesting correlation: \((X-Y)^2 = (Y-X)^2\), but remember \(\sqrt{X-Y} \not= \sqrt{Y-X}\). Double check your signs by re-squaring your answer.

Note: This still works if D is not an integer, but is rational:

$$\begin{align*} \sqrt{8.41+2.64\sqrt5} &=\sqrt{\frac{8.41-5.99}{2}} + \sqrt{\frac{8.41+5.99}{2}} &D=\sqrt{8.41^2 + 2.64^2\cdot5}=5.99\\
&=\sqrt{\frac{2.42}{2}} + \sqrt{\frac{14.4}{2}}\\
&=\sqrt{\frac{121}{100}} + \sqrt{\frac{720}{100}}\\
&=\frac{11}{10} + \frac{12\sqrt5}{10}\\
&=1.1 + 1.2\sqrt5\\

Which is correct. \(\left[1.1+1.2\sqrt5\right]^2=8.41+2.64\sqrt5\)